
Friday, February 4, 2011

Hyde Away in Golden Gate Park

Even though I may have previously mentioned that my posts would go in chronological order of events in my life, that proves to be untrue. I had to make an exception to write on my short but sweet trip to San Francisco. Although I was indeed making the decision whether to return to NY or move up to SF- and seemingly find myself writing this from a cafe in Brooklyn- SF truly has the makings of one of the best cities in the world. I took a road trip with my big brother, Con, to visit two of our very best friends, Clancy and Becky. On the journey up, we stopped in San Luis Obispo, and relished in the beautiful scenery along the historical 101. The beauty on the way up was just a precursor to the amount of beauty San Francisco holds intact in its "7 by 7" miles. Beautiful architecture, beautiful nature, many and many beautiful women (Clanc & Bek at the forefront), and an all around beautiful adventure. As I was mulling over San Francisco with my great friend, Matt, a previous SF native transplanted to Brooklyn, our conversation turned a bit existentialist. We discussed how SF unabashedly challenges who you are and the way you think. The city presents itself with experiences, events, exhibitions, all based around what a single person or group of individuals is really passionate about. Not to say other people's passions aren't expressed in other great cities, but SF presents these passions to you generously and wholeheartedly. For example, my brother and I visited the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. Just to preface, Con and I are avid museum goers-enthusiasts if you will-and are not always easily persuaded by certain museum space. For our first "exhibit", we walked into the living rain forest, and were instantly enamored. The academy states that they are driven by two burning questions: 1) How did life on Earth develop? 2) How will we sustain life on Earth?  So they not only explore and explain the natural world, but they also actively work to influence the way you protect it. Generously, wholeheartedly, and most importantly, passionately. I don't think it's any coincidence they coined the phrase: I left my heart in San Francisco...

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